The Benefits Of Green Tea When Talking About Beauty

Green tea has antioxidant properties and is used internally by a lot of people for maintaining the body young and full of energy. What some people don’t know is the fact that green tea can be used externally too, being a beauty allied.

The Benefits Of Green Tea When Talking About Beauty

Green tea has antioxidant properties and is used internally by a lot of people for maintaining the body young and full of energy. What some people don’t know is the fact that green tea can be used externally too, being a beauty allied.

Are Cosmetics Healthy Or A Source Of Slow Poisoning For Us?

We like to take care of our body and spoil it with all kinds of lotions, creams and perfumes. Also, a lot of us enjoy wearing make-up and so, we try a lot of products that enchant our senses with their lovely aspect and scent trying to convince our ears that they are only protecting the skin against aging, pollution, extreme weather and other dangerous factors for our healthy exterior aspect. But have you ever wondered if these products we use are really good for us?

Beauty Key Elements You Should Consider When You Are 20, 30, 40 And 50

The key to having a great body even when you are 50 is to take care of your body and insist on certain aspects when the time is right. Every decade added to our age brings certain problems that can go away nicely or leave behind deep marks to our body if we don’t take measures at the proper moment.

Protect Your Eyes

We all get only one set of eyes. Vision is considered a big deal for most of us, and protecting our eyes is probably one of the most important things we want to make sure we hold on to. Yet, every day, our eyes are subjected to potential danger, sometimes of our own doing. Here are five tips you should follow in making sure you protect your eyes from danger.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tips To Having More Beautiful Feet

Feet are always under some kind of assault. Whether we’re walking barefoot or have some kind of tight shoes on, or just walking period, our feet have to put up with a lot from most of us. At a certain point, they just can’t take it any more, and start looking pretty bad. But since many people, both men and women, like to walk around with parts of their feet exposed, here are some tips for making your feet more beautiful.

1. Stop wearing very tight shoes. Women sometimes think squeezing their feet into smaller shoes will make their feet look smaller. Instead, it usually makes their feet swell, and they have problems walking. You might need to go to a professional to have your feet measured so you can find the proper size for you. These days, there are so many styles of shoes for all sizes of feet that everyone can look good and glamorous in shoes that actually fit.

2. Take your shoes off and give them some air when you’re home. There’s no sense in walking around in your shoes while you’re in your own home. Even if you don’t have carpet down, buy some house slippers to wear, and make sure you have plenty of room and that they’re soft and comfortable.

3. Soak your feet from time to time in oils. Nothing makes your feet feel like you’re pampering them as much as soaking them in some oil or salts. Make sure the water is warm, because that works best, and you’ll find that it makes the rest of you feel pretty calm also.

4. Get a pedicure/foot massage. Some people you go to will do both, but there’s nothing wrong with pampering your feet by paying someone else to do it from time to time. The thing to watch out for with a pedicure is that sometimes the people doing it can be moving so fast that they’ll nick you. That’s never pleasant. However, finding someone who can give you a soothing foot massage without hurting you will feel wonderful.

5. Wear socks instead of hose whenever you can. Although socks seem more bulky, feet actually breathe better in socks than they do in hose. That, plus socks have more cushion, therefore protect your feet better in shoes. They look horrible in heels, but work great in flat shoes and sneakers.

6. Get your toenails painted. Adding a little bit of style to your feet can take other people’s eyes away from the rest of your foot if your feet don’t look great. You can get colors or patterns of any type, and being creative has never hurt anyone.

7. Do some foot stretching. Even taking care of your feet, sometimes they can get cramps. Stretching your feet not only makes them feel better, but it can help your calves loosen up also, and it helps to relieve the tightness if you happen to have, or be heading towards, plantar fasciitis.

Taking these steps towards protecting your feet will make your feet want to thank you, and it will feel good.

Taking Care Of Your Nails

When most women think about taking care of their nails, they think about putting polish on them, or possibly applying fake nails so that they look longer. However, there are a host of physical things that can happen to nails unless you take care of them, along with your hands and the rest of your health. Here are six tips for taking better care of your nails.

1. Limit the number of alcohol products that you put on your hands. If you’re in the medical field you might not have much choice, but for everyone else too much alcohol isn’t good for your hands. There’s alcohol in nail polish remover, some soaps, some lotions and even some nail polish itself. Alcohol dries the skin, but it can also make nails dry and brittle, and start to remove the luster from them. Using it every once in awhile won’t hurt, but if it’s something you’re doing every day, try to find other products that will work just as well, but don’t contain alcohol in them.

2. Wear gloves when cleaning around the house. Even if alcohol isn’t in certain products, there might be other chemicals that can damage your nails. Cleaners especially have lots of products that work hard at removing stains, even those that are used to shine floors or metals. It’s not just your nails specifically, but your cuticles and the other skin around your hands needs protection as well.

3. Give your nails a break from too much glue. You might like wearing fake nails, but your nails don’t like it as much. Wearing fake nails constantly doesn’t give your nails time to get any air, which means they could get soft or they could dry out, depending on what’s in the glue. Cuticles also suffer damage from too much glue. One shouldn’t constantly be wearing fake nails for your own good.

4. Cut your nails straight across. This is counter to what many women feel is a beautiful looking nail, but the truth is that cutting and then shaping your nails into a rounded shape makes them weaker and more susceptible to breaking. This more specifically applies to having longer nails, but can mean the same thing for shorter nails. Luckily, more fashions are showing women with nails cut straight across, so you might be on the verge of making a major fashion statement.

5. Buff your nails. Buffing your nails brings out the natural oils that are contained within them, making your nails shiny and healthy before you put anything on them. More women in today’s world are buffing and leaving them alone, as the natural luster can be quite appealing on its own.

6. Take care of your cuticles. When you go for a manicure, often they’ll cut your cuticles, which lessen the protection around your nails. Try to limit how often you do that, if you do it at all. Also, think about using cuticle oils to help keep your cuticles soft, which also helps to protect your nails, as you don’t ever want them hard and crusty.

Protect Your Eyes

We all get only one set of eyes. Vision is considered a big deal for most of us, and protecting our eyes is probably one of the most important things we want to make sure we hold on to. Yet, every day, our eyes are subjected to potential danger, sometimes of our own doing. Here are five tips you should follow in making sure you protect your eyes from danger.

1. Protect your eyes from the sun. If you’re outside and you’re squinting, it means your eyes are under assault, and they need protection. It could be from sunlight or wind or dust or aromas or almost anything else. Squinting is what the brain tells your eyelids to do to try to offer them some kind of protection. You need to think about wearing sunglasses of some type to help. Get the kind with UV (ultraviolet) protective covering on them, as that will help stop rays that can’t be seen from coming through. You might need to wear goggles if conditions are such that all sorts of things are blowing around, or you’re underwater. If you’re going to take your sunglasses off and you’re still in the sun, try to shield your eyes a little bit because your pupils will go from being fully dilated to trying to shrink quickly, and that could cause disorientation. One final warning; never stare directly into the sun.

2. Protect your eyes from bright lights. The same thing we talked about with sun pertains to regular lights also. However, wearing sunglasses inside doesn’t make as much sense. If you’re going to have bright light in the house, try to keep it behind you instead of in front of you, and like with sunlight, never stare directly into it. Some people don’t handle bright lights directly over them either, so stay aware of whether you find yourself squinting or not.

3. Keep your eyes closed if you’re using sprays around them. Almost everyone has had an incident at least once in their lives when they’ve sprayed something and their eyes have gotten irritated. Luckily, most of the time all you need to do is wait awhile and things will be fine, but it only takes one mistake to seriously injure your eyes. If you spray something around your eyes, keep them closed even after you’ve stopped and try to wave something to clear the air around you before opening them.

4. Wear protection if you’re in an area where lots of small things are flying around. We’re not talking small bugs here, but things such as sawdust, sand, metal flakes, ashes and blowing debris. If you’re doing any sort of work with something that sends shavings out, even clay sometimes, you want to think about getting goggles of some kind, even if you wear glasses, because things can pop up and over glasses just as easily as going directly into the eye.

5. Always use water first to flush out your eyes. If you do get something in your eyes, even before you might need to go to the doctor, flush your eyes out with water. Many people will say cool water because it makes your eyes feel better, but any water will do. Don’t start with saline solution because the salt might make your eyes feel more irritated. It’s always good to have water around anyway, so it’s perfect to use for this purpose.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Hidden Secrets Of Yawning

Yawning may not be so boring after all. As some have suggested it is the brain looking for more action and getting it by using the yawn. Take a look at some other tips on yawning here in this article.

One of the best things a yawn may do for you is to wake you up. Why do we yawn when we are tired ? It is the brain revving up areas of itself because of the sluggishness we have through lack of sleep. Brain scans reveal that the area called the precuneus is activated neurologically by a yawn. The cortex along with the precuneus seem to hold the self-memories and self-perceptions as they work in harmony. This activation of the precuneus would seem to also be the preparation for storing the memories of the day. Dreams are the the replaying of many of the activities of the day. This combined with the expectation of sleep could very well be the preparation of the brain for the body to enter sleep. That is quite a complicated way to explain that a yawn is the precursor to sleep, but now you know why.

Another tip about yawning is that it has the capacity to relax. If you take time out of your busy day ( even right now ) to do ten yawns, you will be feeling much better afterwards. Perhaps this is why yawning is contagious ? No data just yet on that, but most people have said or heard said; ” Made you yawn !” after doing a yawn themselves. It is only contagious for humans and apes. Go ahead and do about ten yawns right now and relax yourself.

Yawning is said to bring about more alertness. This is debatable if it is the actual yawn or the infusion of extra oxygen into the brain that makes you more alert. Perhaps it is both. It has been noted scientifically that yawning makes you more alert. Everyone has noted that those students who are bored with their teachers are prone to do a yawn or two. This is to stay awake of course, but again, the yawn helped it to happen. Yawning is advertised as a great way to meditate, since meditation heightens your alertness.

Yawning regulates the temperature of the brain. Have a hot head ( physically speaking ) ? Try yawning a few times. This aspect of yawning can help to make your brain more efficient. The body ( like machines ) burns energy and runs more efficiently when it is operating with a slightly cooler than ambient temperature. A yawn can make your thought processes and neural network more efficient so you can get more done in less time, a rare gift in this day and age.

Oxytocin is another thing initiated by yawning. Oxytocin is synthetically made and applied to women who are near or at childbirth. It helps to induce labor. If you are pregnant and want to have a natural birth, forget the fake chemical stuff and yawn a few times during childbirth. It may not only relax you, but give you an easier birth.

Yawning can increase or decrease your defense mechanisms. The hormonal chemical oxytocin is what regulates the “fight or flight” routine of the brain. Socializing as well as yawns help to release oxytocin. Social people are less likely to be violent. Instead they learn to adjust to others. Yawning can help this process also. It is interesting that yawning is also contagious. The “group yawn” may be a great way to start a “group therapy”. Read more on oxytocin and find out more about this particular neuro-hormone. It has some good benefits.

Yawning can help to control emotions. Dopamine is used by the brain to control movement of the body and to control the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland controls all the other hormonal glands in the body. You can see this one coming right ? If you are feeling a bit “hormonal”, try yawning. It may well calm you down. Do not forget the relaxing effects mentioned above. A by-product of this is that you can use yawning to stop an argument or to defuse one. Yawning can enhance closeness, so you can say with some certainty that those couples who yawn together, stay together.

Yawning will escalate a spiritual experience. If you pray or meditate make sure to include a yawn in your routine. It will heighten your routine and give you a higher level of enjoyment. Yawning is advantageous in many aspects and these tips can be used during a normal day or during stressful days. If you yawned while you read this article, good for you!

4 Ways To Stay Fit During Holidays

If you are like many people in North America, Europe, and other places, you are concerned about gaining too much weight during the Christmas holiday season. You can eat some things and enjoy yourself during the holidays and still avoid becoming a blimp to do so. There are ways to eat and still stay slim. Lets look at four ways to stay slim for the holidays.

The best and healthiest way to stay slim is to not feel hungry. How do you do that ? Carry a quick snack in your pocket. You can carray a small bag of peanuts or something similar in your pocket or purse and snack on it during the day. This will prevent those cravings that are hard to deal with. You do not have to choose only peanuts of course. You can use chewing gum or anything that will increase your blood sugar level. Your natural hunger kicks in when you reach a certain low level of blood sugar. As long as you stay above this level, you may not ever feel hungry.

If you get into a system of eating breakfast and eating at certain times of the day, your body will get accustomed to the schedule. You can use this to your advantage during the holidays. Eating a good breakfast is already a healthy habit to get into. But eating a good breakfast before you head out, or whatever it is you do during the day, will help you not be hungry until about four hours later. This is a general statement, because if you have a physically active morning, you will feel hungry regardless of what you eat in the morning. Since Christmas dinners and parties are mostly during the night you can arrange your eating schedule to have enough food in your system to not be overly hungry at night. This means when you are confronted with the calorie-ridden cakes and sweets you can eat a small amount of them instead of having a belly full of them.

If you can not take advantage of any of the above, you have another way to stay slim during the holidays. When you attend parties or gatherings, head for the vegetables first. Those carrots sticks and broccoli sprouts can take away your hunger. Most get-togethers that include food have a salad section to munch on. If you want, you can avoid the sweets altogether and just eat raw vegetables. Believe it or not raw vegetables are so healthy for you that certain people have lived past their hundredth birthday by simply eating raw vegetables.

The fourth way to stay slim during the holidays is to hang around with those who are slim during the holidays. Have you noticed that those who are overweight usually choose overweight friends to be around ? Reverse engineer this to your advantage. Start hanging around with the slim folks and learn their habits. You will either find out that they have a high metabolism or learn their eating habits. Either way you learn something good. A way to increase your metabolism is to drink green tea. You can also eat smaller meals more often to increase your metabolism. Exercising increases your metabolism. There are other ways to stay slim during the holidays but these are some basic ones. Use them in good health.

How To Do A Skin Check On Yourself

Cancer does not seem to be be getting much of a fight from the medical industry. Back in 2006 cancer became the number one killer disease of those in the United States. Does this statistic spell an end to the fight against cancer ? For you, we are hoping the answer to that is a resounding; “NO !”. Do not let the failures of the medical industry keep you running scared from cancer. It really is not necessary.

If you have wondered in the back of your mind how to do a skin check on yourself, it is not all that hard. Are you a person that even needs to do a skin check ? If you live in the Southern United States, if you have many moles, if you do not get enough exercise and have a poor diet that is devoid of nuts, fruits and Vitamin D, you are the perfect target for skin cancer. Read this article closely if you fall into many of the categories above.

First of all, check monthly to see if your moles change or if you get a new one. If they change color or seem to get “deeper”, you should be concerned. If you have had moles for years and years that have never changed you probably already know they are less dangerous than others that do change. That does not necessarily mean they are not dangerous. Depending on variables, cancer can take years and years to grow and become dangerous. This means you need to be diligent to track moles with a monthly skin check even if you think they are not dangerous.

The aspect of a mole is important. If a mole changes colors, especially the colors of red, grey, white or blue, be concerned. If the border becomes scalloped or irregular it is also a negative sign. If the mole obtains a diameter of bigger than six millimeters you should be concerned. If a mole is or becomes asymmetrical it is sign that is becoming or is malignant. A mole should look similar in geometry to a fried egg, being somewhat ovule and having distinct defined edges. Another tip is; if one mole looks definitely different from the rest this is also a bad sign.

While learning how to do this on yourself is important, this article is not going to be able to give you everything you need to do it completely. Go with a dermatologist if you have doubts about any of your personal examinations. The dermatologist should have years ( and I do mean years ) of experience. Check out the recommendations they give to you online or with someone you know has years of experience in dermatology. Your health should be under your care, that is, you should take charge of your own health. If you have an unwavering faith in the medical industry you should consider the amount of people under their “care” that die yearly as a result of their negligience or mistakes. 274 people died today under their care.

One last tip to think on is sunlight. The sun combines with oil on our skin to give our bodies Vitamin D. Lack of Vitamin D has been connected with an abundance of diseases. You have no doubt heard that the sun is bad for you. For the most part, it is only bad for those who have a diet lacking in basic nutrients. Think about the Indians or the Africans who practically live out in the sun and use very little clothing. Why do they not have an abundance of skin cancer ? Answer: their diet. The medical industry tells the world that the sun is bad for you. They are right only if you have a terrible diet. Since most reading this do have a terrible diet, now you know what to do. Learning how to do a skin check on yourself is important, especially if you have a terrible diet that is void of the seventy minerals and the various vitamins necessary for normal health. If this is you, do not get a sunburn and keep a close watch on your skin, especially on any moles you may have. Remember, if you see a mole on the outside, there is a good chance there are more on the inside also.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

How To Address The Problem Of Sagging Of Breasts

Sagging breasts can occur due to a host of causes that include old age, pregnancy, breast feeding, gravity, the size of the breasts. There are many methods of preventing the sagging of breasts too. The first and foremost logical thing to do is to wear bra continuously to prevent the breast from sagging due to gravity.

When the person is involved in many sports activity, the normal bra will not help to hold the breasts in place and so the person who is into sports and many other physical activities should have a sports bra worn during these activities to prevent the sagging of the breasts.

The sagging of breast can also be prevented if the woman does some regular exercises. This includes exercises of the pectoral muscles which are the muscles that help to hold the chest region in place. The person should tome up these muscles by regularly performing shoulder bracing exercises. This will help to make sure that the muscles are all toned and the breast is also in place and rill be held back from sagging by the muscle.

Posture of the person is a very important factor in keeping the breasts from sagging.  There are many people hop have a very poor posture. They lean forward when they stand and this causes the person to have breasts that sag down. This can be prevented by making sure that the posture in standing and also walking is straight. This straight posture will keep the gravity from acting on the breasts and making it sag.

The woman should also lose weight. This is a very important activity that should be done because if the woman is able to lose weight, then the weight loss will have a positive effect and the breasts can be prevented from sagging. There are various simple methods of losing weight that include a mix of regular exercise and diet.

Wearing the bra that is correct size should be the ultimate method of keeping the breast in shape. Any person who wears a bra that is loose fitting even to a small extent is sure to develop sagging breasts.