As summer seems to be ending and fall gets to bring us some cold rainy days, we have to think a little bit of our skin’s health and make sure that it does not have to suffer due to the harsh weather conditions.
Normally the dry skin is the one who gets to suffer a lot due to the cold weather. Most often you can see during the chilly season that the skin around the nose and mouth is flaking or chapping. This is because cold weather usually ‘steals’ more moisture from the skin, leaving it dry and exposed to injuries. And this is why the oily skin is not that sensible during the cold season as the dry skin is.
The preparation for the dry skin should begin with a purification process of the skin. Normally a soft peeling would solve the problem with the dead cells. The next step to follow is intense moisturizing. You should not continue using the same light body lotion and creams you used during the summer. Replace them with rich formula creams. For the lips you should use as frequent as you can a soothing lip balm. As prevention is always easier than healing you should apply daily on your skin moisturizing body lotions, especially after taking your shower. Facial creams that contain vitamin A, C and E are the most indicated to use when the weather gets cold.
During the cold season external treatment for the skin is not enough, so we need to act internally too by adopting the right diet for this season. Try to avoid consuming any aliments that can lead to a dehydration of the skin. Coffee, black tea, and carbonated drinks are all enemies of your skin during the cold season. Pure water is the best solution if you want to maintain a healthy, lush skin. Drink a liter of water a day and you should not have to deal with dehydration.
Inside your house or at the workplace you should consider placing some humidifiers in order to moisture the air.
Outside, wear adequate clothes that offer skin protection against the wind and cold. For the hands protection wear quality leather gloves and for the delicate area of the decolletage you should wear a cashmere shawl.
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