Thursday, January 26, 2012

Information On Supplements That Can Stop Aging

Haven’t you ever wondered why some people seem to age faster than others?  Aging affects all of us in a more or less visible form, but sometimes it seems that time has ran faster for some people than for others and this makes you question yourself why.

The latest researches say that if the human body lacks certain elements, aging installs premature. Here are some supplements that have proven their efficiency into preventing premature aging and even delaying aging:

1. Vitamin E. This is an antioxidant that the body usually lacks as we can never get the enough quantity we need from our daily aliments. Vitamin E is good for protecting arteries against atherosclerosis, it guards the human cells against the deterioration produced by free radicals and it prevents immune system decline and even brain degeneration.

2. Ginkgo biloba. This is a plant that has been used for improving the blood circulation through the arteries and veins. It can improve even the circulation from the brain, aiding the memory a lot.

3. Q-10 coenzyme. This is another antioxidant, just like vitamin E that has been proven to have benefic effects on the heart muscle. It is also great for stopping the external signs of aging and this is why pharmaceutical companies add it to their anti-aging products. The daily doze for those who have cardiovascular problems is 30 mg.

4. L-Carnitine. This is an amino-acid that has a major impact on people who suffer of angina (chest pain) or arrhythmias. Ask your cardiologist about this supplement and he will tell you more on its benefic effects.

5. Garlic. Surprising or not, this smelly plant that a lot of us avoid has anti-aging properties. Certain studies say that garlic protects against cancer, atherosclerosis, internal parasites and brain degeneration. You should eat one clove of garlic a day, but if you can not stand the idea of doing this, you can find garlic prepared as a supplement (tablet).


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