Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – A Brief Overview
ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is often called attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity. It can affects all including children, adolescents and teens. According to an estimate by national institute or mental health (NIMH) almost 4% to 5% children suffer from this kind of hyperactivity disorder.
Children and adults suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder show various symptoms according to their age level like children can have problems in focusing over things, following instructions and fulfilling given tasks or school assignments. Moreover they have constant body movements and show inability to think over an action before doing it. In such cases doing anything without thinking over t can be dangerous to their life and can cause serious injuries. Adults suffering from ADHD may have management and organizational problems. Such persons also face difficulty in completing the assigned tasks or projects.
Along with disturbing cognitive and managing skills of a sufferer ADHD also have deep impact over relationships, a person with ADHD is not able to develop relations in his personal life as well as in his social circle. Such loneliness further deteriorates the patient’s condition and enhances the chances of involving into drug abuse to quit or mitigate his depression and anxiety.
Types of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) ADHD can be subdivided into three categories including:
1- ADHD Combined type
2- ADHD Predominantly Inattentive Type
3- ADHD Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type
But Amen Clinics in California, Virginia and Washington has revealed that ADHD can be divided into six more subtypes rather than three. Actually it further subdivided the three major types of ADHD described by DMS-IV. The six categories are subdivided into Classic ADHD, Inattentive ADHD, Overfocused ADHD, Temporal ADHD, Limbic ADHD and The Ring of Fire. Each of these types carries basic symptoms of ADHD along with their specific symptoms.
Firstly classic ADHD have specific hyperactivity, secondly Inattentive ADHD show low energy movements, thirdly Overfocused ADHD causes negative thinking and behavior, fourthly temporal ADHD causes irritability and learning problems, fifthly limbic ADHD causes depression and decreased motivation while lastly The Ring of Fire involves aggression and anger in patient’s behavior.
Amen has concluded this research on the basis of thousands of SPECTs (single photon emission computed tomography) which involves brain scanning of mentally retarded people. This technique is also applied to diagnose other mental disorder including Alzheimer’s disease but in case of ADHD it helps to get the final result along with other basic diagnostic techniques. It means that it helps in diagnostic techniques applied for detecting the presence of ADHD in a person showing respective symptoms.
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