Sunday, January 29, 2012

Red Wine Versus Obesity

Some people say that a life without wine is not worth living.

Recent studies show that the specific compound named resveratrol which can be found in grape skins, peanuts and red wine may have the capacity to defend the body from some of the negative changes that appear due to obesity and they most often precede diseases like type two diabetes.

It is known that obesity can influence inflammation in the body and insulin insensitivity.

It took long studies on mice before testing the resveratrol compound on humans. Amongst the effects on rodents there were: extending the lives of obese specimens, increasing their endurance up to having twice more energy to run faster on treadmills.

The research was extended to humans in order to check if the effects could be similar and the benefits could bring a change in human treatments.

The dose administrated to the individuals who were part of the study, 150 milligrams of resveratrol, was lower than the one used on mice in previous experiments, however it was strong enough to make an impact. Researchers approximate that in order to obtain the same level from wine, one should drink more than 13 bottles a day.

The results of the study pointed positive changes in metabolic health, among many other effects. It has been noticed that resveratrol has the power to lower the level of blood glucose, to reduce triglyceride amount in the body, to lower also insulin and fat in the liver levels.

Some of the effects of resveratrol are even the same as exercise training can do or dieting through calorie restriction and these are: the mechanism for muscles to burn fats, increasing the energy factories inside cells, raising activity in mitochondria, lowering inflammation indicators.

Despite all these effects similar or not to exercise training, resveratrol did not help the male individuals who took part in the experiment to lose weight. Thus, it helps the metabolism to be more healthy, but actually to work more efficiently and more slowly.

This compound is thought to have effect upon the aging process and on protecting the cells against stress working by activating sirtuins proteins. The researchers are trying to find a chemical compound to act the same as resveratrol, aiming to find drugs able to extend life.

However, the doctors and researchers that conducted the study and experiment on humans have various opinions. Some are skeptical and they say that the study was made on short term and on a small group of individuals and on long term the effects could be surprisingly higher or zero. Others say that it is an amazing study and the results are important for humankind.

Still, there is no straight advice to take resveratrol for treating obesity or other ilness, until this is more intensely studied to discover how it can affect the human body even after 10 years of treatment or how it interacts with other drugs.


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